Shoulder or Arm pain
Shoulder or arm pain are common reasons for people to book an appointment with an osteopath. This can be due to local problems such as frozen shoulder, rotator cuff strain, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), wrist injuries and arthritis in the hands. Pain can also radiate from the neck into the arm, or from the hand up the arm to the shoulder and may result in associated symptoms such as pins and needles (tingling), numbness or weakness.
Osteopathy and upper limb pain
It is your osteopath’s job to determine where your shoulder or arm pain is really coming from, and why it has occurred. By understanding how and when the pain started, and how it is behaving, an osteopath can determine the possible cause of pain and how the injury may have happened. The most common causes of shoulder, elbow or wrist pain are overuse strains which tend to be associated with work or sports injuries.
An osteopath will use a wide range of different techniques to help reduce any tissue tension, and joint restrictions, such as massage, joint mobilisation, strengthening and stretching techniques. In addition, they may offer advice such as changing your work environment or adjusting your sports technique as well as giving you homework such as exercises to help you stretch or strengthen your upper limb between appointments.
Our Services
Opening Hours
- Monday08:30 – 15:30
- Tuesday08:30 – 20:00
- Wednesday10:00 – 18:00
- Thursday10:00 – 17:00
- Friday08:30 – 13:00
- Saturday09:00 – 14:00
- SundayCLOSED